Monday, June 8, 2009

WEEDS and NURSE JACKIE Premiere Thoughts

Weeds kicked off its 5th season in entertaining fashion as Nancy's pregnancy saved her from Esteban for the time being. In a lot of ways, this episode was about setting up future plots with Nancy forcing Andy to take Shane to her sister's, Silas and Doug set to leave on a weed growing trip, and the budding love Andy has for Nancy. Some funny moments included Doug playing with the kid toys and everybody's reaction to the Mexican holding Celia up for ransom. Here's hoping that Jenji Cohen has some plans for Celia as the character has become completely useless to the show. I hated every scene involving Celia, her daughter Quinn, and Quinn's boyfriend. Elizabeth Perkins does a great job in the role and the show needs to find a way to get her involved in a meaningful story with Nancy or kill her off. Mary Louise Parker continues to light up the screen and it will be fun to watch this pregnancy story unfold over the coming weeks.

Edie Falco was brilliant in the series premiere of Nurse Jackie. From pill popping to her stunned reaction to a doctor grabbing her breast, Falco showed off several facets of what is sure to become a riveting character to watch. The confident way in which she bends the rules to do what feels right to hear made me question if this really happens. In one episode, she discarded an abusive man's ear, forged a signature of a dying patient to make him an organ donor, and gave a poor girlfriend of a dead patient the money she stole from a scumbag. The relationship she has with a pharmicist at the hospital was presented in a cute way as her lover provided her with the ailment for her back pain as she headed home. The kicker was that Jackie is actually married and has two children. I look forward to seeing what situations this fascinating character finds herself in on a week-to-week basis as the show has great writing, supporting characters, and moves at a brisk pace.

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