Monday, June 15, 2009

6/15/09 RAWPORT- A Good show finally

Donald Trump buying Monday Night Raw is one of the most ridiculous storylines in years, but may be worth it if it attracts interest to the struggling Raw brand. Starting off the new era next week with a commercial free show and a HHH/Randy Orton Last Man Standing WWE Title match sounds pretty damn good to me. This week's show was kicked off by an excellent Jericho/Mysterio match with a fast pace and an exciting conclusion that brought Rey's mask into play again as Jericho distracted him enough to nail the codebreaker for the pinfall. This has been a really nice undercard feud and hopefully Jericho can get back in the title picture soon.

The WWE title match featured a frenetic pace as well. Big show impressed the hell out of me by performing a middle rope jump move and a running spear on HHH. In the end, Orton took back the title as most thought would happen. Seeing him feud with HHH again is not my idea of a fun summer of WWE so hopefully they have something else in mind seeing that they are giving away that match next week. Miz continues to excel with his promos ripping Goldust to shreds this week and shooting Hornswoggle with a t-shirt gun in the nether regions. He is proving to be a heat magnet and him and Cena in a meaningful match could mean big money for WWE very soon.

Dreamer and Christian had a forgettable five-minute title match. I am glad Dreamer got to win the ECW title, but he sucks now. Christian deserves a shot on one of the other brands. The Trump announcement was awkward but Donald delivered his lines in believable fashion conveying his enthusiasm for the product and his vision going forward to do things his way. Watching him interact with McMahon should be fun in coming weeks. I loved Punk cutting down Matt Hardy verbally to intensify his tweener character. The triple threat with Punk, Hardy, and Edge was exciting throughout and it was great to see Punk screw Hardy out of the win again. A one on one match between these two will steal the show at THE BASH.

The battle royal at the end kind of sucked as most do but at least we have a last man standing match to watch next week which should ensure a fresh title match for the actual pay per view. Overall there were three really solid matches and the kickoff of a huge new storyline. The three hours blew by and reinvigorated my interest in the product.

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